![Photos from U.S. GEOTRACES GN01 Cruise. Sources: TRACES of Change in the Arctic and U.S. Arctic GEOTRACES Blogs [https://usgeotraces.ldeo.columbia.edu/content/blogs] Photos from U.S. GEOTRACES GN01 Cruise. Sources: TRACES of Change in the Arctic and U.S. Arctic GEOTRACES Blogs [https://usgeotraces.ldeo.columbia.edu/content/blogs]](/sites/default/files/styles/cu_crop/public/content/Logos/GEOTRACES_Headers.png?h=1010ca9f&itok=f5AO18-x)
Cruise Blogs
- Bill Schmoker, on board PolarTREC science teacher: U.S. Arctic GEOTRACES Journals
- Katlin Bowman's blog: Hg in the sea. Trace-metal chemistry in the global ocean and other related articles from HuffPost.
- Alison Agather’s blog: Alison's Arctic Adventure
- Andrew Margolin’s blog: The Adventures of Arctic Andy: 2015 Expedition
- Tim Kenna’s blog: TRACES of Change in the Arctic
Float your Boat during GN01:
> Boats recovered three years after deployment!
Video Feeds
- Nicole Buckley’s cruise blog: 67 Days at Sea: The Science of Sulfur
- Laura Whitmore’s blog: Seaward Bound Scientist
- Twitter: followGP15
- Instagram: geotraces_gp15
- Ryan Woosley’s GP17-OCE cruise blog: http://rwoosley.scripts.mit.edu/WoosleyLab/mcp-blog/
- Twitter: geotraces_gp17
- Instagram: geotraces_gp17oce
- Cruise Field Notes: Journalist Sofia Moutinho documents the U.S. GEOTRACES research cruise GP17-ANT aboard the R/V Nathaniel B. Palmer.
- Audio/transcripts of the Science Quickly: Friday Fascination series on Antarctica episodes reported by journalist Sofia Moutinho as she travels on the U.S. icebreaker Nathaniel B. Palmer as part of the GP17-ANT cruise.
Funding and Support